Residential Plans


50mbps $50.00*

  • Fast and reliable

  • Stream HD quality video

  • Stream HD video to multiple devices

  • Connect with friends and family on social media

  • High quality gaming experience

  • Send and receive email

  • Share photos

  • Download music

*Subject to availability not available in all areas

4mbps $50.00

  • Fast and reliable

  • Stream SD quality video

  • Stream SD video to multiple devices

  • Connect with friends and family on social media

  • Send and receive email

  • Share photos

  • Download music

6mbps $60.00

  • Fast and reliable

  • Stream HD quality video

  • Stream SD video to multiple devices

  • Connect with friends and family on social media

  • High quality gaming experience

  • Send and receive email

  • Share photos

  • Download music